You can view your inventory through a few different ‘lenses,’ including Collection Codes, BISAC, Dewey, Age, Media Type (format), etc. Most of that information, like format, Age, BIC (or BISAC) subject, etc. are all provided within the publishers’ metadata for each title. So, regardless of how you classify a title in your library, you can still see how your collection is portioned out according to, for example, Fiction genres:
Or you can even see how, for example, which ‘sub-genres’ of Mystery titles you tend to stock and sell the best, or worst. To do so, in the image above you would simply click on Mystery & Detective to open that category.
Note that this creates a “Temporary Filter” that is applied to your other Analytics Lanes. So, you can dive in to your mysteries and immediately research what you might be missing, what could/should be weeded, upcoming titles, etc. For example, your Most Popular Titles lane will now display Mystery & Detective titles, as will the Not Yet Released, and the Stock Analysis lane, helpfully, the lane, which will help you find good candidates for weeding.
You can also get more detail about the performance and such for these categories. By clicking “Open Category Summary Report.” This will bring up a “Category Performance Detail” chart. Details about reading that chart can be found here.